By Cianan Clancy

There have been numerous leadership definitions provided by many experts throughout the years. In a recent interview with leadership expert Simon Sinek, he gave away some unique and eye-opening insights that could help people practice leadership.

Why do people fail at leadership?

Simon gave a fantastic example of a person going to a gym to try and help answer the question as to how to build leadership skills. A person going to a gym will not see a result over-night. It is about consistency, incremental steps over time.  The same he argued was the case of leadership.  You can’t teach leadership in a day or a week. It is about consistency over time.  Building a skillset consistently and incrementally. Being authentic to those around you.

What is the secret path to success?

Simon gave an example of how much small things matter. He explained to an interviewer the process of how people fall in love. It was not one big thing but accumulating the little thing with many others like caring, giving flowers and so on that consistency made the relationship healthy.

The same is true with leadership.  Accumulating small things as an organisation like saying good morning, listening to employees, taking care of employees’ growth on a consistent basis helps build a strong corporate culture and team bond.

Employees do not want to leave an organisations when they are under a leader who really cares for them like a family.   They start feeling like the ones they are working with are their brothers and sisters, not just colleagues. According to Simon, the leaders who succeed in building a strong corporate culture genuinely understand how to lead.

There is a massive crisis in job satisfaction worldwide. In one survey, around 58% of employees answered that they would rather trust strangers than their bosses. On the other side, the study found that nearly 89% of bosses think that employees switch jobs because of money.

However, the real reason for the majority of employees leaving jobs is due to the lack of leadership. Simon Sinek has a lot to offer and his insights can help a large number of employers and employees to create a better corporate environment.

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