By Cianan Clancy

A recent report by Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism revealed that one-third of adults across 23 key markets listened to a podcast in the month prior.

In 2018, podcasts had 33.5% penetration. Asia Pacific was the most active region with 42%, followed by North America with 30.5%, and Europe with 27.9%.

The most popular categories News and Politics gaining 14.2% votes, followed by Specialist Podcasts like Technology, Business with 13.8% and lifestyle with 13.5% followed by Sports with 8.1%.

Current estimate state advertisers are spending over 250 million dollars on podcast advertising globally which will rise to 500 million dollars by 2020. One strong point that attracts advertisers is the relationship that the podcasters have with their listeners particularly in the 25-34 age group

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